第14回 オマージュ瀧口修造展:北代省三 「エントロピー—造形における無秩序の実験」
The 14 Exhibition Homage to Shuzo Takiguchi: "ENTROPY–An Experiment of Disorder in Form"

1994 . 7 . 4 1994 . 7 . 30
佐谷画廊 | Satani Gallery
Curated by:
佐谷和彦 | Kazuhiko Satani

Kitadai, Shozo 北代省三

Installation view
photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito

photo by Sadamu Saito